
Hex to text converter
Hex to text converter

This may not mimic xxd output as other answers do, but allows you to see the \r\n-type characters that are causing problems. You can use python3 inline to print the ASCII characters. To output the ASCII value, you precede the double-quoted variable name with a single-quote, e.g. Or - If I have it backwards, and you actually want the ASCII value for every character in the string, you can use a simple for loop and printf to print the ASCII value of every character.

hex to text converter hex to text converter

Let me know if you need a slightly different output format and I'm happy to help further. Which depending on what you want as output may be all you need.

hex to text converter

You use sed to create a newline delimited list of 2-character strings and by outputting as a string you avoid the control character conversion issues with, e.g. You can actually use printf and sed to split every 2 characters and output in whatever format you need.

Hex to text converter